Looting Event
Looting Event is a competitive mode where you can submit a Champion Convoy based on Convoy Rank and Collective Power (Attack Power+ Mining Power). You can submit your convoy when the event starts, to participate until the end of the event (till the timer hits 00:00:00). You can only submit 1 convoy and check your position on the leaderboard to see where you stand and how much loot you will be given at the end of the event. You can add to your convoy to improve your position on the leaderboard to get higher prizes. The system will firstly arrange all the submitted convoy by rank (From 12 to 1) and then it will give you a position in order of the collective power. For example, if you have submitted a rank 1 convoy with 120 AP and 110 MP, and another player submitted a rank 1 convoy with 140 AP and 100 MP, you both will be in rank 1 section of the leader board and because you have a 230 collective power and the other player has 240 collective power you will be below him/her in the leaderboard. At the end of the event the top champion convoys will be awarded.